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contoh kalimat upon a

"upon a" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • ~ Some day you wish upon a star
    ~ Some day you wish upon a star
  • ~ Some day I wish upon a star
    ~ Some day I wish upon a star
  • Your wish will be granted upon a shooting star.
    berharap Anda akan diberikan setelah bintang jatuh.
  • Hmm. "Once upon a time." That's great, isn't it?
    Hmm. "Pada suatu masa." Ini bagus, bukan?
  • Once upon a time in Iraq, there were two people.
    Ketika di Iraq, ada dua orang.
  • He used to be a heavyweight once upon a time.
    Dia dulunya seorang petinju kelas berat.
  • All that remains is to agree upon a price.
    Yang tersisa adalah masalah harga. Tentu saja.
  • Once upon a time, there were four unlikely heroes.
    Suatu ketika, hiduplah empat pahlawan hebat (diragukan).
  • Once upon a time, there was nothing here.
    Pada suatu ketika, tidak ada apapun di sini.
  • Once upon a time being different was a good thing.
    DuIu berbeda adaIah haI yang bagus.
  • Once Upon a Time - S01E14 Dreamy
    Once Upon a Time Season 1 Episode 14 Dreamy
  • Upon a day my title shall be returned to me.
    Saat nanti kedudukan itu kembali padaku.
  • Once upon a time, long ago in Fantabularasa
    suatu ketika di zaman dulu di sebuah Fantabularosa..
  • It seems we stumbled upon a Roman construction site.
    Tampaknya kita tersandung pada situs konstruksi Romawi.
  • Once upon a time, there was a little boy.
    Pada suatu hari, ada seorang anak kecil.
  • Once upon a time there were 3 little pigs.
    Pada zaman dahulu, ada 3 babi kecil.
  • Previously on Once Upon A Time... Daniel's grave.
    Sebelumnya di "Once Upon a Time"... Makam Daniel.
  • Previously on Once Upon A Time... It's dying.
    Sebelumnya di "Once Upon a Time"... Ini sekarat.
  • Once upon a time... there was this little boy.
    Pada jaman dahulu, ada seorang anak kecil.
  • Once upon a time, you agreed to marry me.
    Saat itu, kau setuju untuk menikah denganku.
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